Leather Cleaning

Cleaning is an essential part of caring for your leather furniture. It removes dirt and oils (which can, over time, break down the leathers protective coating) and helps to maintain the moisture balance in the leather furniture. 
This is important for keeping the leather supple and makes it less likely to absorb spillages. 
A wipe over with a damp cloth on a regular basis (every week/two weeks) is recommended to remove surface dust and dirt and add moisture to the leather. 
The products we use at Payless Leather Cleaning Services are the very best available on the market and are specifically designed to provide the maximum cleaning benefits without causing any damage to your leather. 
Our extensive training for leather cleaning, repairs and re-coloring was undertaken with Leather Training & Technical in Miami FL.


Finished Leather

1. Place a small amount of a gentle, moisturizing soap such as Dove on a damp cloth and bring it to a light lather. 
2. Rub the damp cloth on the leather without putting too much water on the leather. 
3. Wipe away lather with a fresh damp cloth. Don’t rinse the leather in water. 
4. Polish leather with a dry towel. 
5. Treat leather with a leather conditioner after it has dried completely. 

Unfinished Leather

1. Use a damp cloth or sponge to rub saddle soap into the leather; work soap into a light lather. 
2. Wipe away lather and allow to air dry. 
3. Oil leather with a leather preservative such as mink oil.